Today's asset tracking systems are designed to be installed quickly and easily. Asset tracking solution helps in tracking the movement of assets- IT equipment, devices or software, within an organization tracking your assets with software can decrease the risk. Assets can be read consecutively with no human interference.
Asset Tracking is concerned with Knowing where you’re equipment (Tools, Computers etc.) Is
An asset tracking solution provides the ability to know the location and status of the assets in the organization and allows you to do an analysis of those assets to determine current status, total utilization, depreciation levels and maintenance requirements.
Assets can be tracked by location or personnel. Tracking assets by location involve assigning assets to physical places like a room, a building, or a department. Both locations (rooms, construction sites) and personnel badges can be barcode and RFID. Personnel badges can be scanned at checkout and check-in and locations can be scanned when an item is moved from location to another.
Benefits of Using Asset Tracking Solution
Asset tracking begins when a barcode/RFID is fixed to the items that are going to be tracked. Those codes get scanned into a computer using a convenient handheld device. If that item is moved, shipped, thrown away, or just put to use, the barcode/RFID should be scanned again. The computer will keep track of all movement as it goes from place to place.
Tracking your assets with the solution can reduce this risk. Genuine solutions for tracking assets will ensure employees work without resorting to illegal downloads. Paper-based tracking systems can be lost in a fire. This is not the case with software-based systems. You can back up your data online to reduce the risk of disastrous events.
Leverage Asset Inventory Tools
Data collection and storage is one aspect of asset tracking. Asset tracking solutions also have contract management registries, making it easy for businesses to track client orders and smooth the procurement process. All the collected data and client details must be stored in a central location. Asset tracking solutions incorporate a database management system, making the software and hardware management easy.
Cut Costs
An RFID reader can capture data five times faster than an employee can. Some RFID readers can even read multiple tags at once. Reducing labor costs and the time spent collecting data. You do not have to employ people to collect, sanitize, record, and store data. All your information can be stored online. The money saved by your company can be invested in other profitable ventures.
Increase Efficiency
Increase efficiency with automated processes for adding, inspecting, and modifying asset records. Automatically capture data using a barcode or RFID scanner and create detailed reports with a click of a button.
What is Asset tracking system using fixed reader solves?
- It keeps track of our mobiles, vehicles and many other assets.
- They track minimum misplaced part and tools in our factory.
- It reduces labor cost.
- It reduces expandable packing cost.
- It consumes time also.